I have had years of experience in three golf instructional worlds, Traditional Golf, Natural Golf, and Scientific LPG Golf. The Hybrid Golf Swing is actually a blend of all three instructional venues using hybrids in place of conventional irons. I also use grips that allow me to keep the club face square through impact and hold that position for a few inches past the ball. Being a teacher for 24 years and referencing learning styles, I invented the Calaway Contact Board that is a visual guide with a track to guide the club head on along with a rubber tee that provides auditory feedback with a 'Click' sound when struck solidly. Beginning golfers attain solid shots in the air within the first bucket of golf balls which definitely intrigues them to want to learn more about the golf swing. This swing was discovered following new spinal issues I sustained in an auto accident. I was forced to find some type of swing that would not strain my upper neck (discs & spinal bone) as well as my lower spine (L-5). As new hybrids are introduced into the marketplace, I will continue to experiment with them to see which models work most efficiently.