Sunday, April 10, 2016

THE IRONWOOD HAMMER GOLF SWING...This is the result of several years of research, practice, golf course application, use of many types of golf hybrids, constant contact with golf companies that make various hybrid clubs available,  various types of rejections regarding offering the public an easier swing using hybrids in place of conventional irons, and making changes to club types in search of finding one type of club that can work for anyone just wanting to clobber, hammer, or pound solid shots in the air and play Once in a While...How does this sound?  Single Plane, Less Strain, Self-Train...These are the facets of the Ironwood Hammer Golf Swing.  The Self-Train facet will soon become a more VERIFIED PROCEDURE - Recommended by a Dentist who is Ultra busy expanding a dental practice, raising a family, and supporting a wife who has her own flexible real estate business.  The Self-Train aspect of the Ironwood Hammer Swing is quite simple.  One uses an endorsed Calaway Contact Guide Board to develop a tempo, and distinct path to steer the club into the ball.  PGA Head Professional Brad Calaway designed the board following my suggestions about using such a visual prior to hitting golf balls...One develops a swing pattern with an auditory sound of a 'clicking' noise of a rubber tee in place of the ball repetitively before hitting any ball.  Using far fewer motions than the conventional swing, accomplishing this impact with the tee has taken place within 5 minutes to 15 minutes for most people.  Successfully hitting golf balls with this procedure takes less than one hour.  Using the Ironwoods, soon available from a website in construction along with the more simple mechanics and motions of the Ironwood Hammer Swing, hitting consistent solid shots will become easier than a conventional approach.  So it seems like one can definitely utilize this procedure to first learn to hit solid shots off the guide board and eventually use the board as a guide while hitting shots off the ground which will lead to no guide needed as swing motions are established in the brain.  More regarding THE IRONWOOD HAMMER GOLF SWING will be written very soon.  This seems to be the year for the Ultra Busy People in the Workforce to be made more knowledgeable about a core type swing that is easier to learn, simple to reinforce on their own, and at least be hitting solid golf shots so participating in golf outings, playing once in a while with friends, or just hitting practice balls in the backyard - like shooting hoops in the driveway - will be possible.  Even selecting clubs for the type of play will be possible.  This year I will establish the type of scoring possible using seven clubs, including the putter, with the IRONWOOD HAMMER SWING.  Keep in mind too that PGA Professional Brad Calaway, now at Jefferson Golf Course in Jefferson, Wisconsin will be the only golf professional who knows how and why this hammer-swing style does not want to take facets from the Ironwood Hammer Swing and try to use them in a conventional golf swing...I will state that for sure.  In the next blog I will list the distances I am able to attain with various clubs.  As one develops a tempo or speed then they also develop the ability to hit golf shots different distances with the same club...and the Same swing style...which keeps it SIMPLE...

Monday, March 14, 2016

After a season of research and practice on the course I have discovered that most higher lofted hybrids work efficiently with this Hammer-Like swing style.  Even the Ping irons which are the most forgiving irons work quite well which surprised me.  I have established the fact that a scoring game in the 90's is doable with just one hybrid from tee to green once one finds a smooth tempo using the contact training board.  At this time I am expanding this golf venue to the non-golfing public by first offering cost-free trial of the swing at the Wisconsin Indoor Golf Center in Waukesha, WI.  Someone seeking to play and score well will find that a game in the low 80's is possible with just a three wood, 3-4 hybrids, and a putter.  Basically, since the swing plane is the same for all clubs, it will be easier for one to take this swing to the course especially if they take the few hours of time to develop a swing speed using the contact training board at home or wherever.  The youtube videos at you tube videos (google search) depicts this practice routine and How-to quite well.  Well, into the 2016 season we shall go soon in Wisconsin.